Monday, 2 August 2010

Animated gifs

Animations of old sports info graphics:

Thursday, 22 July 2010

New website for Oriel Canfas

Brand new website design and function for Oriel Canfas Gallery in Canton, Cardiff:

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Children's Drum Book finished

A new book written to teach children aged 3-6 years about drum beats is finally finished. With an accompanying score from composer Matthew Brown we are currently looking for publishers.

Manga style illustration

New postcard work for a Cardiff Karate Club based at Chapter:

Friday, 5 February 2010

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Set Designs for ABC's Award winning children's show

ABC wins at the Royal Television Awards
Independent TV production group Boomerang Plus won the Children's Programme Award at the Royal Television Society Programme Awards 2009 last night for its S4C commissioned programme ABC 'H' which uses sets and props drawn by Cakebread Illustrations.

These prestigious awards span all genres of television programming, from soaps to history, and children's fiction to comedy performance.

Around Wales on a Bus pass

Design and information graphics for new 43 page book by 83 year old Olwen Leebrook about her and a friend's 13 day trip around Wales using only their bus pass. the book records the journey and their aim to only use free public tranport and to visit all 13 of the old Welsh counties.

Artwork for Eddie Ladd's new DVD

Cover, booklet and onbody print for performance artist Eddie Ladds new promotional dvd.

New Booklets for Chwarae Teg

Design and artwork for 2 new bi lingual 8 page booklets for Chwarae Teg. With more than fifteen years of experience, Chwarae Teg is the leading professional agency for the economic development of women in Wales. We champion education, entrepreneurship, work-life balance and flexible working, helping women to overcome the obstacles that prevent them from making a full and consistent contribution within the economy.

Plain English Award

Cakebread Illustrations with The Samaritans wins a Plain English Award!
Samaritans for a leaflet - for young people, 'Who are the Samaritans?'
Our panel decided that this leaflet was well laid out and used list structures to effectively break up the information. By using short sentences and plenty of space in the design,
the Samaritans were able to convey their message effectively. Illustrations and subheadings are used well to also aid understanding. logo design

Logo design for Spanish company After extensive marketing consultation Rastreator requested a logo based on a dog dressed as Sherlock Holmes to be drawn in the style I'd previously done for their sister company' s website and TV adverts. In addition numerous positions and activities of the dog in the logo were created for their website.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

New artwork for André Stitt

Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere

th Dec. 2009 Ð 23rd Jan. 2010
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
Painting Exhibition
William St.,
Northern Ireland
Artist-led Workshop
16th Jan. MCAC

Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
A new body of work in the form of a suite of paintings commissioned by
MCAC as a response to the new city of Craigavon in Northern Ireland.
Stitt used his site explorations as artist-in-residence in Craigavon to explore issues of memory and recall in relation to postcolonial trauma and conflict transformation.
The project also includes a publication published by
MCAC with essays and illustrations.

Akshun Mapping in Belfast
GT Gallery, Belfast
84-94 Great Patrick St.,
Northern Ireland
Outreach workshop
12th Dec. 2009